I write about my experience traveling and volunteering in Ukraine, giving a unique and personal account of what it’s like to be in Ukraine during war.




I am an author of Ukrainian Voices series, published in Nola Vie online magazine in June 2022. The four interviews with Ukrainians living and responding to war in New Orleans meant to amplify Ukrainian activists' voices in our community.


2023 article about Ukraine Wellness Project work at the rehabilitation center Lisova Polyana in Kyiv

Instagram @ukrainewellnesslisova


Making You Solo/ in 3 languages 

I remember her profile

The purple umbrella and the sharp nose

Feeling of not being cared for 

Because i was getting wet

The candy wrapper was bright red 

in the field of green 

My own orchestra of rain

Our steps synchronized in unison

The rocks, round river rocks in the ditch, near the long pause

Through the L shaped roadway

The joy of truly seeing green reflection 

off the chimney cast on the roof

Merging with a tall oak

Our eyes met

As foreign countries barely touching, 

we moved into the rain together.

Than a surprise, behind the brick wall

The poke bush, 

the privacy of the hidden corner

Brown auburn bricks

And suddenly a thought crossed me

Oh god, this is how they were shot, 

From the DNA of someones’ memories

Against the wall,

And I need to go, get out of there, now

I remember her silhouette, sharp and quiet

Being with nothing but the world and her

Attention, a relief after so much moving

I remember changing my interests quickly, 

delighted in unexpected new pathways

And how familiar this following was 

for me, like a good friend

For her, like a cold mother

Зробити вас соло

Я пам'ятаю її профіль

Пурпурний парасольку і гострий ніс

Відчуття того, що про вас не піклуються

Тому що я промокла

Обгортка від цукерки була яскраво-червона

в полі зелені

Мій власний оркестр дощу

наші стіпи synchronized in unison

Скелі, круглі річкові камені в канаві, біля довгої паузи

Через Г-подібну проїжджу частину

Радість по-справжньому бачити зелене відображення

з димаря, кинутого на дах

Злиття з високим дубом

Наші очі зустрілися

Як іноземні країни ледь торкаючись,

ми разом ходили під дощем.

Чим сюрприз, за ​​цегляною стіною

Кущ поке,

приватність прихованого куточка

Коричнево-коричнева цегла

І раптом мене осяяла думка

Боже, так їх розстріляли,

З ДНК чиїхось спогадів

Позаду стіни,

Я потребую, щоб отримати, зараз

Я пам’ятаю її силует, різкий і тихий

Бути ні з чим, крім світу та неї

Прихильність, як полегшення після стількох переїздів

Я пам'ятаю, як швидко змінив свої інтереси,

в захваті від несподіваних нових шляхів

І яким знайомим було це наступне

для мене як хороший друг

Для неї як холодна мати

Заставляю тебя соло

Я помню ее профиль

Пурпурний зонтик и острый нос

Ощущение отсутствия заботы

Потому что я промокла

Фантик был ярко-красным.

в зеленом поле

Мой собственный оркестр дождя

наши стипи синхронизировались в унисон

Камни, круглые речные камни в канаве, возле долгой паузы

Через Г-образную проезжую часть

Радость по-настоящему увидеть зеленое отражение

от дымохода на крыше

Сливаясь с высоким дубом

Наши глаза встретились

Як иноземные края едва прикасаясь,

мы переехали под дождем вместе.

Чем сюрприз, за ​​кирпичной стеной

Тыкать куст,

конфиденциальность тайного уголка

Коричнево-каштановые кирпичи

И вдруг меня посетила мысль

О боже, вот как их расстреляли,

Из ДНК чьих-то воспоминаний

Позаду стену,

І я потребую, щоб отримати, зараз

Я помню ее силуэт, резкий и тихий

Быть ни с чем, кроме мира и ее

Приятность, какое облегчение после стольких переездов

Помню, как быстро менялись интересы,

рад неожиданным новым путям

И насколько знакомым было это следующее

для меня, хороший друг

Для нее, як холодная мати

Charlie, Memorize

one thing into another, no pauses. But pauses.

a score about their cultural references

because - (it will not be you)

Rest can become an escape

What does success look like?

All drones were shot down by air defense systems

Open armpits/crotch pits. Traveling. Backspace soft palate.

Hey hey cheer up 

horror is no different from a dream

Work backwards from there?

Putin is not popular

your question is philosophical

And your passport is just a piece of paper

Are there any options there?

They mentioned the killings of civilians

Let me fucking finish! 

24 people were rescued from the rubble

They never left because they they send roots

What am I an expert in?

a skill to move attention

..a particular kind of attention..

-maybe not what they wanted

Response ability

Take a place of a killed writer     a killed dancer

    a killed musician

Randomly meticulously contrive a score about their cultural references

Then be surprised. Delight in novelty. Share it. 

Show it to the world who is always eager to consume a new phrase

If no one shows up

It’s not personal

-not the best time, the best space, the best life 

they are busy, they forgot, they don’t want to live like that-

Terrified and temporary

This is rest, not more. I’m doing enough. 

I clawed my way through the void trying not to sell out. My privilege is paid for. By the student debt without generational wealth. By perennial emigrant trauma, always sensing isolation. By social anxiety brought by arrested social development. By avoiding social expectations, outside of the doctor/lawyer paradigm. By learning how to learn to be well.By undoing the webs of toxicity inside out.  By learning the language of privilege- because without my voice no one cares to hear me scream. 

I am enough 


I’ve had a savior complex before I had anything. It was wired by seeing pain early on and needing to respond. It was a gift. Dad was a professional wrestler. Delusion of alcohol abuse has been his way to cope with the world where fighting is not the only way of being. 

My mother, a practical woman. I’ve been taught to value practicality.

There is a time to fight, and a time to rest

When trauma hits we lean into our strengths. 

Fight through adversity. 

Rests can become escapes, escapes insulation. 

Stay in your range. Back away from burn outs. Move towards pleasure.

Do less, feel more, do not forget if needed ten thousand saviors on any color horse shall come to fight before you can check out

This is WHY

- my spirit which is my body, sometimes my house, sometimes my relatives, friends, allies, the ocean and the land which isn’t mine but i belong to, my tribe whose territory whose people are being bombed right now,

because - (it won't be you)

I will do whatever it takes to protect that meaningful MINE by doing the practical shit

In a performance of a lifetime I will reach into my heart to pause in between the mines and the brain injuries

among the fields of sunflowers and wheat

in the wake of reparations and mass trials

between the victims and their victory 

may they rest peacefully

I will consider from my privileged perspective what taking a rest might look like, and I will choose the least amount of effort to make the best possible choice

The price of being a martyr is resentment and emptiness. The price of being neutral is the delusion that it will never happen to you. Everything has its price. 

Choose carefully.

All this and more


why are men so brutal 



    there- terrible 


Armenia is attacked by Azerbaijan. 4 days. 200 dead.

a female soldier, mother of three, is raped, 

her fingers are cut off, stuffed in her mouth, 

her legs sawn off, her eyes gouged

She is naked and dead, 

Failed by humanity


many basements are found in the de-occupied territories 

where Russian men have tortured Ukrainians

nails twisted into kneecaps

rooms fit for two containing eight and a toilet

hoods and iron pipes

names, numbers, locations…

YOU- you pop up in my mind-

an attractive dancer from New york.. August, dance festival, Vienna..we are in a pool..You lament the lack of political awareness in Europe and in the same breath as I invite you to come to a meeting to discuss the war in Ukraine you say to your friend you have a show to go to instead, What show? Some shows don't matter, it’ll be fun…

a dance festival in Austria that mentions no war..why? There are always wars and refugees in europe..why is this one special?..we are helping, aren't we..we are against violence..we are beige..it’s my break from needing to be politically aware..

Fuck YOU, where ever you are right now..

do you see the current catch 22? It’s nuclear. It’s not a debate. It’s truly happening outside a gallery near you. 

we ask not for social justice, or pleasure activism, or queer theory, or art funding, or health care, unschooling, or human rights- but for what makes America so toxic and schizophrenic - Guns

you can choose to use the phone as a phone, or use it to electrocute people. The choice is yours. 

two queer women from Iran were sentenced to death by strangulation a few days ago. Another 22 year old girl gets arrested by Iran morality police. They use their morals to beat her into a coma until she dies. Then her brave friends chant and take their hijabs off at her funeral.

they march towards the administration building.  They are shot, arrested, beaten,

their turn to confess to a sin of choice 

you need to stop reading the news, says my girlfriend, 

it only makes you unhappy. You cannot help them 

in my phone conversation 

fragments of grief mix with

big hug, big hug my love

-and more

my mother asks, what do they tell you? Meaning the soldiers i work with in a

Ukrainian hospital. She remembers my father’s PTSD after he returned from the Afghanistan war. I remember it too, I am small, eight, I do not understand why my father is scary, angry, and violent towards me. I begin to become a coward, I begin to think that there is something wrong with me. to feel unloved. 

here’s one, mom.

this one is stuttering a lot. There’s a camera in front of us. A TV station is doing a piece

on veterans and PTSD. He just received his acupuncture treatment from me. 

it’s very relaxing. But it’s also opening a door. He begins to tell them 

about a buddy of his who he slept next to, sat next to in the trenches. They ate together. 

he was his best friend. He got killed first. He is flooded by emotion, giving them something to show on their screens, letting it out, one syllable at a time.

-and more

some are silent. They lost their speech. They just type into their phones for now

their minds take them back to whomever they lost, to loud sounds

they shake like leaves, they sweat, they heads hurt, they can not sleep at all, they wake up

drenched and scared. Concussed. Brain fogged. Broken. Shattered. 

many laugh it off. Some are tight like coiled tigers. 

I am a boat in the sea of their suffering, sailing through waves and waves of unrequited hopes to unsee what was seen

PS. September 18th.

a raw day. A vulnerable day of empathy and water. sadness is everywhere noticing itself. 

my phone rings. Bad timing, dad. It’s only been 6 months.

huge enveloping ever hungry ghost love of a child betrayed will never go away

a month ago It went like this:  i am angry, why did you not…??

if you are upset and have demands don’t call me anymore.

ok, we have a deal

a split second a stone on the grave

he says he does not remember.

he undoes the things that happened. 

alcoholics make the best excuses, for years

I wonder if all true ends are like that. Crunch-and the boundary of no forgiveness discovered. Snap - I forget you. Because you forgot me. Or was forgotten yourself. By yourself. 

my demand could fit into a tangible telegram, if I would write one- 

babushka died (Your mom)  Please call me. I feel so terrible. I want you to care, at least about that. 

your daughter. 

I don’t even mention war. 


The multiplicity of all directions

So who controls the controller?

A good question,

Be the light, a falcon in the sky

That's all there is,

A lone witness says

Before the take off


Slippery tunnel,deep throated,

Sphincter swallowing snake   

full of delicate marrow

inside her - enough mirrors to reflect the world

on the pink rose walls

Imagine pushing into them

How elastic

Will they bounce?

Surrounded by folded softness

Nest of hands, lips, dicks?, breasts, bellies

Gonna get inside 

Do my part 

Be an embryo

Merge with the thing

let go of competition

Of being a separate Being 


to be happily lost

Red clay, following 

My psychic birth.

Uninterrupted by any authority 

Incredibly burgundy 

stepping in a dream 

Come true


Territory of Men